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海钓技巧钓友圈2023-07-29 20:10:31A+A-


On Jan 19, the Achievement Presentation Theme Activity for the 2018 China Reform & Innovation and Credit Building Summit Forum was held in the Great Hall of the People, Beijing. 


Organized by the Macroeconomic Management Editorial Dept. of National Development and Reform Commission, the China Comment Magazine of China News Agency and the China International Brand Strategy ResearchCenter-UIBE, the activity was held aiming to memorize the achievements made since the reform and opening-up and collect fruits in innovation. Themed Reformand Innovation, Building a Credit System in China, the activity selected a group of model companies featured with credit and innovation during these 40 years.


As the representative of the fintech innovation field, Joy Jiang, CEO of the Shenzhen Fintechstar Technology Co., Ltd., was invited to attend the event. The company was awarded the 2017 China Reform and Innovation Model Unit award for innovation in technology and service, as well as contributions made in the social innovation system. Meanwhile, CEO Joy Jiang won the award of the 2017 Outstanding Entrepreneur in China’s Reform and Innovation


As a fintech company, Fintechstar focuses on providing DDoS attack protection service, transnational network solutions, underlying development of blockchain, and trading platform development services. With international talents and advantages in technology, now Fintechstar has become a long-term partner of the Huawei Cloud, Broctagon, an international financial group, and Gibraltar Blockchain Exchange (GBX) to provide them a wide range of technical support and services.

郡星云盾 - DDoS Attack Protection


Currently, DDoS attacks increasingly show large traffic and in high frequency.In China, number of the attacked cases nearly amounts to half of the globalones. Therefore, there’s an urgent need for Chinese companies, large or small, to take protective actions as early aspossible for the safety of their business. We hope to fulfill a greater function in the global security market, especially the domestic one, by learning lessons and experience in this field, perfecting our products and enhancing brand influence, so as to provide better services. 


So far Fintechstar’s shield, the cloud-based DDoS attack protection service has been applied to many companies and highly appraised. Technically, this shield service by Fintechstar can stand the attack of T-class traffic and supports cascading between nodes in a very short time with the help of multiple premium IPS nodes and big data. Thus, the shield can fight against DDoS attack of various types from the Internet and guarantee the availabilityof the system and normal business. In addition, it can adjust the policy ofprotection automatically based on the user’s traffic. Without bothering of operations and settings, users can just apply the service easily. Lastly the service also features the lowest price in almost every level of protection bandwidth, and provides a trial before payment and 24/7 operation and maintenance

服务申请快线 Apply Now

Hesitate no more to connect: 

Website: www.fintechstar.cn

Tel: 0755-66839545

Email: info@fintechstar.cn


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